Noémie S. Ambre P. Camille A.

28 mars 20191 Min


Mis à jour : 16 oct. 2020

~POEM 1~


eyes don’t lie.

they speak whatever truth lives inside of you.

in a whirlwind of colours, everything suddenly seems clear.


eyes are bewitching.

people fall in love with a simple look.

people fall out of love with a simple look.



eyes hold so much power.

they seem to say things that words can not say.

they seem to tell stories that can not be told.


eyes are unique.

they hold a glimmer that exists no where else.

they shine with what can only be described as a sparkle of life.

eyes are a window to the soul.


I fell in love with yours.


~POEM 2~

Stars are never brighter than when they are

Reflected in your eyes

I want to stand there forever

Slowly sinking in your gaze

Don’t be afraid to pour your soul out

In front of me

I won’t flinch

I promise

Make me able to see

The storm raging inside or the sun shining

For the eyes express our thoughts buried inside

Better than any word could tell

They say that eyes are just like


And when I looked into yours

Searching for myself

That's when I found



Crédit photos : Camille A
