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Like fallen leaves [English version]

Ambre P.

Chapter 2

Previously: First day of school for Laura in her new school. Sadly, her day didn’t go as planned, as she went into the wrong classroom and humiliated herself. Later in the day, when she was about to leave school, and she was reading as she walked, she bumped into a boy. He kept her from falling backward and helped her pick up her things. As she finally left school in her mom’s car, she decided that her day wasn’t so bad after all. Who was that boy that finally brighten up her day?

Chapter 2

Oliver was starring, eyes wide opened, mouth agape, treacherous tears streaming down his face. His vision was blurry, but he could still see what was slowly breaking his heart. A few feet away from him, Emma, his girlfriend, and Sam, his best friend, were kissing heatedly. Emma’s back was pressed against Oliver’s locker, while the kiss deepened.

Oliver’s mind was swirling with thousands of thoughts. But the only one that stood out amongst them all, was that he had just lost his best friend. The only person that really made it worth to go back to school. He had just lost him, because there was no way that they would still be friends after what had just happened. Oliver’s trust had just been broken.

From the start of their relationship, it hadn’t been going very smoothly between Oliver and Emma, but they thought that it was a good idea to give it a try, 5 months previously. Emma had always been very egoistic, and they disagreed on many levels.

But Sam and Oliver had always been great friends. Nothing had ever teared them apart, even though Sam was sometimes a bit harsh in the way he acted. Even though Sam was always a little bit too arrogant.

Oliver wanted to speak, to let them know that he was there. That he was seeing them. But his voice was stuck in his throat, and he couldn’t seem to utter a single word. He couldn’t stop looking at them, even though it was more painful than anything.

Finally, he was able to avert his eyes from them, and to take a deep breath. His hand came up to his face, and swiped away the tears. He shouldn’t be crying. No, he really shouldn’t. He shouldn’t be sad, he should be angry. And just like that, Oliver felt a burning rage slowly building up inside him, and burying deep the pain of the betrayal.

They were both just in front of his locker, for God’s sake! They must have known that Oliver would catch them together…

Oliver stepped towards them, and spoke, cold rage tainting his voice:

“Sam. Hey.”

Emma and Sam both froze and turned around. Sam’s face was nothing but bliss. He looked utterly happy, no trace of remorse visible on his face. So Sam did not care. He had really meant for Oliver to find out.

“Hey Oliver. What’s up?”

Sam’s cool voice ringed out in the deserted hallway. It was too early for any students to be there, so there was only the three of them.

Sam frowned but a smile was tugging at his lips.

“Is anything wrong Oliver?”

“Yes! Yes, there is something wrong! How can you do that to me? We’ve known each other for 13 freaking years! Does it mean nothing to you?”

He didn’t have the time to stop himself before he continued in a whisper:

“You’re my best friend. My best friend.”

His head down, Oliver didn’t look up until Sam’s voice was heard again.

“Oliver. My friend.”

He chuckled then continued, his voice full of sarcasm.

“What did you expect? We’re not in kindergarden anymore. In this High School, you’re my friend, best friend if you want to call it that way. But titles don’t really matter. What matters is that, Emma, right here, and I, decided that we wanted to go out. So, what? Is it a problem? She doesn’t want you anymore, Ollie.”

This was like a punch to the guts. How could Sam say this? He had even used his nickname: Ollie. As if this situation was normal.

“Emma and I… We’re going out together, Sam. And you know it! So why did you do this? This is about trust and friendship! And you just throw it all away…”

Emma still hadn’t said anything, but she didn’t seem to feel ill-at-ease. She seemed pretty happy even. She then spoke:

“Oh, Oliver. Oliver. Our time together is finished. I found better right here.”

She clasped her hand to Sam’s torso, who grinned like an idiot.

“You see, Oliver. Friends, they come and go. Everything is just about getting what you want, by the means necessary. We’re friends. I got your girlfriend, you just need to let it go.”

Oliver couldn’t stand it anymore.

“We were friends. We were. Not anymore, all right? Do you understand that, Sam? I don’t want to see your arrogant stupid face anymore.”

He paused.

“And you, Emma… Well, you can guess that it’s over between us.”

He turned around, and walked away. He heard them both laugh behind his back. And it hurt. Because he had just lost his only friend. He felt tears filling his eyes again, but blinked them away. He was alone, and it was only the first day back to school.


Oliver walked hastily towards the exit. He just wanted this day to end. He was lost in his thoughts, as he turned around a corner. It had been a very painful day. Normally, he would have had Sam to speak to. Normally, he wouldn’t have eaten alone at the cafeteria. But Oliver had just been alone all day long.

He was looking in front of him when he saw a girl in the corridor, a few feet away from him, so he looked more closely. She seemed even more lost in thoughts than he had been. She was holding a book, in front of her, and didn’t seem to care for the world going on around her. Oliver couldn’t see her face because of the book. He looked away and went towards the exit.

So, what was bound to happen, happened. They bumped into each other, with great force. Oliver was knocked out of his daze just at the right moment to catch the young girl who was falling. He placed his hands firmly on her arms. Her shoulder bag had fallen to the floor, and everything in it had scattered on the floor. There were books everywhere, a sketchbook opened to a page where several people were drawn. His gaze fell on her face and he couldn’t help but stared. She was beautiful. She had short brown hair, cut in a cute gradient square. She had a little upturned nose, with many freckles. Her eyes were closed, and her front teeth were beating her bottom lip. Was she hurt? Oliver looked over her worriedly.

Finally the girl opened her eyes. They were incredible. They were thousands shades of blues. She seemed disoriented at first before looking at Oliver. She seemed to froze, so he asked:

“- Are you okay?”

“Yes, yes, I’m fine! Oh my god! I’m so sorry!”

She blushed, and it was the most adorable thing that Oliver had ever seen. She bent and started picking up her books. Strands of hair were falling in her eyes, and she placed them back behind her ears. Oliver just stood there, amazed by only the sight of her. She spoke while continuing picking up her things:

“I’m so clumsy! I’m sorry, really! Are you okay?”

Oliver crouched to the floor to help her gather her books, while she apologised over and over again. He reached out to pick up the sketchbook and she reached for it as well. Their hands brushed, and they looked up, their eyes meeting. They stayed like this for several seconds, before the magic broke.

She blushed again as she stood up, readjusting her bag on her shoulder. Oliver had the sketch book in his right hand, and he looked briefly over the drawings. They were amazing, thousands of colours plastered on the paper. The lines that drew the persons were extremely accurate.

Oliver was suddenly conscious that she was waiting for the sketchbook. He extended it to her and she took it from him. She thanked him before muttering:

“Goodbye… Err… Thanks for the… Um… Help. And sorry for the, um, little accident.”

Oliver felt a smile blossoming on his face, as she laughed nervously, said goodbye again before turning around and going towards the exit.

He stared at her retreating form and felt happier than he had been in days. When she opened the doors and was out of the building he finally looked away. He was going to slowly go towards the exit, when he felt something in his left hand. There was a book. Her book. He had forgotten to give it back to her after picking it up. He looked at it and directly recognised the cover. It was his favourite book: “Like fallen leaves”. It was his favourite book and it was hers. He ran in the direction of the exit doors, to try and catch her before she left. When he was finally out of the building, he looked around but there was no one there, only a car, going away in the distance.

To be continued…

Crédit photographique: Ambre P.

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