DUNE : A must watch

Intriguing characters and an incredible plot twist : this is the world of Dune. Based on the famous Science-fiction book written by Frank Herbert, the last film of Denis Villeneuve is already a hit with the best start of the year. Let’s see if thE film deserves its success.
SUMMARY : An interplanetary story
In a distant future, The duc Leto Atreides, dad of Paul Atreides and Lady Jessica's concubine is designed by the Emperor Padishah Shaddam IV to manage the planet Arrakis also called Dune. This planet with a desert climate is a cause of conflict. Indeed, it contains an invaluable resource : spices which have the ability to prolong life and increase the powers of humankind. But what the duke doesn't know is that the emperor, who had ceded him the planet, is actually plotting to take back Arrakis with the Harkonnen, a foe of the Atreides House. The duke only guesses that something is plotting against the Atreides after an attack is aimed at his son. However he tries to collaborate with the inhabitants of Dune: the Fremens.
For her part, Lady Jessica, Paul’s mother, is part of the Bene Gesserit, an all-female organization. She was supposed to have a daughter in order for the little girl to inherit the supernatural powers of her mother. But when pregnant, she decided to keep her son. That explains why Paul is a brilliant and courageous man with superpowers who has premonitory dreams. This boy is meant to have an extraordinary destiny and to survive in order to protect his family and relatives. He is the chosen one, Lissan Al-Gaib. Paul understands well that only those who can conquer their fears will survive because “fear is a mind killer”... The fate of his nation and the Fremens is in his hands… What is happening then ? If you want to find out, go see it in the nearest movie theater from your home !
OPINION : Is this film worth seeing ?
The film is too slow and does not set up the plot and the characters in a fluid and concrete way; which can tire the spectators. However it's fascinating how you can get into the movie when there is an action scene and identify with the characters, their choices and decisions. Moreover, the sets and effects are unquestionably realistic. The settings are absolutely sublime. The actors are equally consistent with the characters in the book. Therefore, we can easily recognize Herbert's book. We can also see the perfectionism of Denis Villleneuve because even the sound effects are exceptional. To conclude, we can truly recognize that the movie is the perfect mix between the literary style of Herbert and the style of Villeneuve.

Source image : https://www.ecranlarge.com/