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US présidential debates : checkup

Lucie M.

Donald Trump (left) and Joe Biden (right), by Gage Skidmore.

Sanitary and economic crisis with the Covid-19, wealth care system,

immigration, environment and political and social stakes aroused by the Black

Lives Matter were at the heart of the two American presidential debates which

took place on September 30th and on October 20th, 2020. Donald Trump,

President of the United States and head of the Republican Party, and Joe Biden,

Former Vice President and democrat, faced then each other for the election of

the 46th President of the United States.

What were the outcomes of these debates?

The first us presidential debate, a major stake in this presidential race was a

national disappointment for the American. Full of tensions and provocations it

didn’t reach the expectations of the population still profoundly affected by the

crisis of the Covid-19, which has caused the death of more than 300 000 people

in the United States. Wealth care, coronavirus crisis, race and law reinforcement, global warming and vote count have been, in order, the different themes treated during this first debate. However, precise plans to

guide the nation were never brought out by both Parties. A debate then law on substance, high on tension and marked by constant interruptions, personal attacks and insults. It is qualified as embarrassing, shameful and as a complete chaos from the population, in a debate with an aggressive President who stood to his ground without exposing his future plans in front of a Former Vice President more characterised as calm. This debate didn’t have any winner, even if many people estimate than Joe Biden was being more imposing than his opponent.

The second president debate originally forecasted on October 15th finally took

place on October 22nd after the complications with Donald Trump who tested

positive to the coronavirus. Debate less stirred up and more reasonable, it

dealt with the fight against coronavirus, the national security, wealth care, the

immigration, the subject of race, and the environment. A debate more

accepted by the population who was relieved to see a more disciplined

President. Nevertheless, this debate did not shake up this presidential

campaign. Indeed, Donald Trump didn’t detail his plan for the next four years

to come, and didn’t explain why the people should vote for him rather than his

opponent. He talked more of “do not vote for him [J. Biden] because” rather

than “do vote for me because”. On the other side Joe Biden has been, at the

surprise of many, more aggressive and succeeded many times at turning

around the situation to his favour and has had Donald Trump on a defensive

repeatedly. He also stood out when addressing his speech to the American, by

looking directly at the camera, because they are the first ones concerned by

this debate. A debate which whipped up doubts and hesitation faced with

suspect cases resurging from both sides and this time again, neither of the

candidates won unanimous support to be the winner of this debate, because of

the opinion differing according to political preferences.

What to expect for the results of the presidential election?

Nothing is certain yet for the presidential election and its outcome on

November 3rd. Both concurrent still pursue their presidential tour in various

estates trying to conquer the most people politically, hence nothing is done

yet. Donald Trump carries on with his electoral marathon with vigour similar to

what animated him back in 2016. On the other hand Joe Biden, less active than

his competitor, is anyhow on the offensive and is still the favourite on the

voting intentions. Each candidate know that he needs to have the support of

most estates possible to win the election, but they also know that some estates

are already faithful to them. Trump for example is grandly supported by white

supremacists and many rich American whilst Joe Biden is supported by more

various people who appreciate his ecologic plans and his handling of the Covid-

19. Wearing a mask at each public appearance, required distance respected,

Biden is parading as a responsible candidate who is aware of the actual sanitary

risk. But there’s everything left to play for and the fuzziness aroused by this

election, a national but also international stake, bring out a general

apprehension with those who want to extend Trump’s mandate and those who

don’t want him anymore in the Government. It creates strong oppositions,

which are the sources of violent confrontations.

The two opponents are then carrying out relentlessly their presidential

campaign hoping to be, on the upcoming November 3rd, at the head of the first

world power of the United States.


(Picture of Joe Biden)

(Picture of Donald Trump)


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